Inspired by the likes of Buddy Holly, Richie Vallens and Elvis, David bought his first guitar through the Sears and Roebuck catalogue. With the help of a friend they found a guitar teacher. There weren’t many non-purists who would teach Rock music in 1961. He and a group of friends started a band called The Fables who were known for their rendition of "Little Darling."

Once in college in 1964, the British invasion was taking place. David switched from playing guitar to bass since good bass players were such a rare commodity back then. He spent the next four years in a group called The Banned. They did a mix of Stones, Animals and Motown. David was back in Pittsburgh in the late ’60s and early ’70s. He was a dental student by day and a musician by night, playing almost exclusively Motown in a band called Salt Pepper and the Soul Shakers. (Notice the name similarities to more famous bands…David did use the names first. Coincidence you say?)

After receiving his Dental degree and being called Doctor, he mistakenly thought Rock may not be sophisticated enough for his new social position. So he put his toys away, only to be enlightened twenty-five years later. He took his bass out of moth balls . All those years watching other musicians do what he had always loved had been too painful for him to ever stop playing music again, first with OPEN WIDE and now with SWAGGER BACK.